Moldova Returned Peace Corps Volunteers

Moldovan National Anthem
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Moldovan National Anthem


Due to popular demand, here are the words and music of the Moldovan National Anthem:

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Moldovan National Anthem
Lyrics:Alexei Mateevici (1888-1917).                        Music: Alexandru Cristi.  Adopted: 1994.

Original Romanian
Limba noastra-i o comoara
In adīncuri īnfundata
Un sirag de piatra rara
Pe mosie revarsata.
Limba noastra-i foc ce arde
Intr-un neam, ce fara veste
S-a trezit din somn de moarte
Ca viteazul din poveste.
Limba noastra-i numai cīntec,
Doina dorurilor noastre,
Roi de fulgere, ce spintec
Nouri negri, zari albastre.

Limba noastra-i graiul pīinii,
Cīnd de vīnt se misca vara;

In rostirea ei batrīnii
Cu sudori sfintit-au tara.
Limba noastra-i frunza verde,
Zbuciumul din codrii vesnici,
Nistrul lin, ce-n valuri pierde
Ai luceferilor sfesnici.
Nu veti plīnge-atunci amarnic,
Ca vi-i limba prea saraca,
Si-ti vedea, cīt īi de darnic
Graiul tarii noastre draga.

Limba noastra-i vechi izvoade.
Povestiri din alte vremuri;
Si citindu-le 'nsirate, -
Te-nfiori adīnc si tremuri.
Limba noastra īi aleasa
Sa ridice slava-n ceruri,
Sa ne spiue-n hram si-acasa
Vesnicele adevaruri.
Limba noastra-i limba sfīnta,
Limba vechilor cazanii,
Care o plīng ai care o cīnta
Pe la vatra lor taranii.

Inviati-va dar graiul,
Ruginit de multa vreme,
Stergeti slinul, mucegaiul
Al uitarii 'n care geme.
Strīngeti piatra lucitoare
Ce din soare se aprinde--
Si-ti avea īn revarsare
Un potop nou de cuvinte.
Rasari-va o comoara
In adīncuri īnfundata,
Un sirag de piatra rara
Pe mosie revarsata.

English Translation
A treasure is our tongue that surges
From deep shadows of the past,
Chain of precious stones that scattered
All over our ancient land.
A burning flame is our tongue
Amidst a people waking
From a deathly sleep, no warning,
Like the brave man of the stories.
Our tongue is made of songs
From our soul's deepest desires,
Flash of lighting striking swiftly
Through dark clouds and blue horizons.
Our tongue is the tongue of bread
When the winds blow through the summer,
Uttered by our forefathers who
Blessed the country through their labour.
Our tongue is the greenest leaf
Of the everlasting forests,
Gentle river Nistru's ripples
Hiding starlight bright and shining.
Utter no more bitter cries now
That your language is too poor,
And you will see with what abundance
Flow the words of our precious country.
Our tongue is full of legends,
Stories from the days of old.
Reading one and then another
Makes one shudder, tremble and moan.
Our tongue is singled out
To lift praises up to heaven,
Uttering with constant fervour
Truths that never cease to beckon.
Our tongue is more than holy,
Words of homilies of old
Wept and sung perpetually
In the homesteads of our folks.
Resurrect now this our language,
Rusted through the years that have passed,
Wipe off filth and mould that gathered
When forgotten through our land.
Gather now the sparkling stone,
Catching bright light from the sun.
You will see the endless flooding
Of new words that overflow.
A treasure will spring up swiftly
From deep shadows of the past,
Chain of precious stones that scattered
All over our ancient land.

{Webmaster's note: Okay, so the translation isn't quite word for word; it does sound nice, though.}

Limba noastra